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camel 6, 38, 47, 166, 239
camel, American 38
camel, Bactrian 11
camel, dromedary 34, 47
camel, large-headed 239
Cameroon 6, 65–7, 69
Campbell Island 51
camphor tree, Nepal 95, 97, 99–101
Canada 16, 49, 84, 148, 227
Canute, King 218
Cape of Good Hope 35
Cape York Peninsula 138
capsaicin 156
capsicum 58
Capsicum annuum 155
capsicum ‘Black pearl’ 156
capsicum ‘Bolivian rainbow’ 156
captive breeding 61, 120, 189
capuchin monkey, white-faced 55–6, 133–6
capuchin monkey, yellow-breasted 61
capybara, giant 127
carbohydrate 229
carbon dioxide 45, 150–51, 188, 213
Caribbean Plate 134
Caribbean Sea 84, 103, 166
Carradale Estate 193
Carson City 146–7, 174
Cascades mountain range 221
Caspian Sea 11
cassowary 125, 138
cat 47, 108, 121, 125, 129, 134, 137, 249
cat, Sabre-toothed 6, 37–8, 135–6, 236
cat, scimitar-toothed 38
catfish 215
catfish, bullhead 101–2
cattle 3, 34, 46–7, 63, 155, 157–8, 188, 194–5, 212, 228, 237–40, 250
cattle-tyrant 46, 63
Caucasus Mountains 224
cave painting 217
Cecropia 58
Cedros Island 221
Centaurea solstitialis 172–4
Centaurea sulphurea 172–4
cerrado 60–61
Chai, Peng 56–7
chalk geology 149
chamois 49
Channel Islands (California) 36, 152
char, Arctic 81
charcoal 59, 228
cheetah 38, 206, 236
Chen, I-Ching 77
Chernobyl 217, 227
Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor 214–16, 232
cherry laurel tree 97
cherry tree, Cornelian 114
chestnut blight 110
chestnut, sweet 96–7, 104
chicken 47–8, 125, 228
Chihuahua 1525, 190
Chile 44, 173, 223
chimpanzee 65, 189, 193, 207
China 13, 35–6, 44, 59, 95, 103, 124, 192
chipmunk 19
chloroplast 187–8
chough, Alpine 226
Christmas bird count 18
Christmas Island 128
chromosome 182–3
chytrid fungus 107–10
clawed frog (or toad) 109
climate change 6, 29, 41, 70–94, 99, 201, 211–13, 221
clover 54, 113
cockatoo, yellow-crested 235
Cocos Plate 134
Codfish Island 189
Coffee 65
comma butterfly 86–90, 113
Congo Basin 32, 35, 79
conservation 245
conservation rationale 229–40
Coope, Russell 78–80, 226
coot 120
Copper Age 96
coral reef 84, 94
Corcovado National Park 55–8, 69
cord grass 185
coriander 57
cormorant, flightless 161
Costa Rica 55–9, 69, 91, 93, 98
cotoneaster 97
cow see cattle
cowbird, brown-headed 68, 241
coyote 191
crab 129
cranesbill 111, 113
cranesbill, dove’s-foot 150
crayfish 57, 112
Cretaceous 42, 43, 118
Crete 36
cricket (giant weta) 123
cricket, bush 159
cricket, Pacific 8, 169–71
crocodile 41, 57
crow 42, 44, 226
Cuba 16
Cupani, Francesco 181
curassow, Alagoas 61–3, 125
curassow, razor-billed 61
cyanobacteria 206
Cyprus 36, 224
DAISIE: Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe 107
damselfly 54–5, 235
Danum Valley Conservation Area 15, 31–2, 52–3, 234
Darwin, Charles 151, 155–6, 160, 162, 165, 191, 205, 209
Dawson, William 17
Debre Libanos 70
deer 49, 53, 119, 166, 168, 216, 240, 250
deer, fallow 241
deer, red 82, 193, 247
deer, roe 168
deer, sika 193, 247
deer, wapiti 193
De-extinction 238–9
Denisovan 53, 188–91
Denmark 102
Diamante 161, 163
diatom 81
dingo 137, 139
dinosaur 41–3, 47, 195, 206, 212, 214
Diprotodon 217
disease 24, 78, 202
Disquís culture 58
distemper 76
diver, great-northern 81
DNA 190, 203, 239–40
dog 46–7, 76, 108–9, 121, 191, 249
dog, wild 51
dogwood 99
dolphin 43
dolphin, Clymene 191
dolphin, spinner 191
dolphin, striped 191
donkey 47, 237
Donlan, Josh 235–8
Dorchester-on-Thames 79
Dordogne 149
dormouse 227
dove, collared 98
dove, rock see pigeon, town
dove, white-winged 68
dragonfly 55
drill (monkey) 65
duck 42
duck, muscovy 56
duck, ruddy 23
duck, white-headed 23
dung 16, 52, 78, 235
Durrell, Gerald 119
eagle, Haast’s 39
earthworm 54, 139
East India Company 52
Easter Island 108
Eastham, Gordon 180
echidna 42, 137
echolocation 129
Edinburgh 183
Edith’s checkerspot butterfly 142–9, 174, 179
egret 48
egret, cattle 63–4, 167
egret, little 90
Egypt 13
Ehrlich, Paul 23
El Niño 78
elemoth 238–9
elephant 43, 211, 216
elephant bird 38
elephant, African bush 32–5, 51–3
elephant, African forest 35
elephant, Bornean 31–2, 234–6
elephant, four-tusked see gomphothere
elephant, Indian 31–40, 234–9
elephant, Javan 237
elephant, straight-tusked 35, 55, 96
emu 125, 138
England see United Kingdom
epidemic 78
Española 161, 163
Essex skipper butterfly 90
Ethiopia 59, 70–77, 79, 93–4, 188, 191, 224, 238
Eucalyptus 70, 72, 220, 246
Eucalyptus globulus 224
Eurasia 91, 140, 167, 187, 195, 208
Europe 3, 6–8, 19, 35, 40, 49, 53, 58–60, 67, 79, 84–5, 91, 97–8, 102–103, 107, 113, 135, 137, 146, 149, 167–8, 179, 184, 186, 188, 191, 195, 208, 212, 214, 216, 224–9, 236–7, 246–9
European Commission 23
evolution in populations 142–60
evolution of song 169–71
evolutionarily successful lineages 119–41
evolutionary radiation 169
extinction rates 243–5
falcon 215
FAO see United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
Feder, Jeffrey 175–8
feral pigeon see pigeon, town
Fernandina 161
Fernando, Prithiviraj 52
ferret 122
fertilizer 88–9
finch 42r />
finch, ground 164
finch, house 35
finch, tree 164
finch, woodpecker 164
finches, Darwin’s 164
Finland 159
fir tree 220
fish evolution 158
Fisherman’s Wharf 220
Flanders 67, 69
flatworm 139
flicker 19
Flores 36, 209
Florida 4, 36, 98, 101, 133
flowerpecker 157
flycatcher 42
Forest islands 60–63
fossil 36, 40–42, 102, 152
fox 47, 53
fox, Arctic 81–2
fox, fennec 155
fox, red 3, 54, 137
France 138, 149, 227, 237
Franklin tree 196
frigate bird 161
fruit fly 165, 171
fur 48–50
fynbos 223
Galapagos Islands 106, 161–5, 168–9, 211, 247
gardening 96–103
gatekeeper butterfly 90
gelada 70–73, 76, 79, 82
geographic range expansion 3–7, 11–20, 54–69, 80–103, 161–74, 220–29
geographic isolation 161–79
Georgia (country) 44, 224
Georgia (US state) 101, 196
Geranium 150
Geranium molle 150
Germany 65–6, 68, 81, 159, 192
Gerstner, Katherina 68
giant sequoia 142
ginger 57
giraffe 23, 38
glypotodont 134
goat 34, 47, 228, 238, 249–50
gomphothere 6, 35–8, 134
Gondwana 106–7
goose 42, 49, 82, 125
goose, Hawaiian 165
Grand Canyon 194
granite 142
grape 44
grasshopper 215
gravel pit 78–9
Great American Interchange 169
great auk 184–5
Great Basin 85, 221, 239
Great Britain see United Kingdom
Great Global Interchange 169
Great Lakes 40
Greece 13, 97
greenfly (aphid) 3
greenhouse gas 78, 94
Greenland 85–6
groundsel 182–4
grouse, willow 85
Guadalupe Island 221
guanaco 166, 239
guano 162
Guarani 37
guava 55, 57
Gulf of Mexico 41
gum tree 247
Gutiérrez, David 93
Gutiérrez, Javier 93
habitat heterogeneity 68–9
habitat transformation 54–69, 111–14, 201, 212
hamster 74
hare, brown 54, 104
harlequin beetle 3
harlequin frog 77, 109
Hauraki Gulf 120
Hawaiian Islands 8, 51, 108, 112, 138, 165, 169–71, 224
hawfinch 114
hawk 19
hawkweed 187
hawthorn 54, 99, 175–8
hawthorn fly 175–9, 190
hawthorn fly wasp 176–9
hawthorn, downy 176–7
hazel 99
Heath, John 88
hedgehog 121
Heliconius butterfly 55–8, 190–91
Hemholtz Centre for Environmental Research 68
herbicide resistance 159
heron 49, 63, 90
Highway, Generals 142–3, 147
Hiley, Jonathan 68
Hill, Jane 88
Himalayas 97, 106, 112, 185
hippopotamus 38, 96, 236
Hockney, David 96
holly 97, 99
Homo erectus 53
Honduras 36
honey 229
honeycreeper, Hawaiian 132, 165
honeysuckle 96–8, 192
honeysuckle fly: see Lonicera fly
honeysuckle, box-leaved 97
honeysuckle, Henry’s 98
honeysuckle, Japanese 98
Hong Kong 235
hop 88–9
hornbeam 226, 228
hornet 215
horse 16, 34, 46–7, 51, 54–6, 155, 237, 249
horse, Mexican 38
horse, Przewalski’s 216
horse, tarpan 216
horse, white 236
howling monkey, southern brown 61
Huang He Basin 59
Humberhead Levels 82
hummingbird 56
Hungary 68
hunter-gatherer 59
hybrid speciation 20–24, 180–97
hybridization 20–24, 44, 126, 162, 180–97, 207, 212, 238–9, 246–7
hyena, spotted 82, 217
Iberian Peninsula 227
ibex, Pyrenean 238
ibex, Spanish 238
ibex, walia 238
Ice Age 60, 79, 226
ichthyosaur 43
Idaho 187
Iguazu Falls 37
India 11–13, 34–5, 79, 106, 139, 236
Indian Ocean 13, 16, 84, 132
Indian Ocean islands 224
Indonesia 36, 209, 235, 248
Industrial Revolution 96
insect, giant 122
insecticide 228
insecticide resistance 159
insubria 97–103
interglacial 223
International Union for the Conservation of Nature 40, 60, 196
invasive species biologists 218
invertebrate 64
Iraq 12
Ireland 81, 186
Irish wolfhound 46, 152–3
Iron Age 228
Isabela 161
Italian Peninsula 227
Italy 13, 20–22, 96–7, 181
IUCN see International Union for the Conservation of Nature
ivory 33, 48, 238
ivy 97, 99
jacamar 56–7
jackal, golden 49
jaguar 37, 135–6, 250
jalapeños 156
Japan 4, 36, 48, 54, 192–3
Java 52, 234
jay 98
Jemma River 70–73
Kahili ginger 112
kaka 121, 130
kakapo 121, 123, 189
Kamchatka Peninsula 180
kangaroo 42, 106, 137–9, 250
Kansas 59
Kauai 169–71
Kazakhstan 11
kea 121
Kenya 223
kestrel 3
Kew 185
Kew primrose 185
Keystone species 110–11
Kintyre Peninsula 193
kiore see rat, Pacific
kiwi 42
knapweed 90
Korea 192
Korup National Park 65, 69
Kreft, Holger 68
Kyushu 193
La Brea tar pits 38, 41, 236, 241
lactase 157
lactation 208
Lake Baikal 180
Lake Gatun 134
Lake Humber 81
Lake Maggiore 95–103, 111, 113, 227
lapwing, northern 247
lapwing, southern 247
Laurasia 106
lemming 74, 82
lemming, collared 85–6
lemur 38, 121
Lesotho 69
lesser greenlet 93
lesser purple emperor butterfly 215
lice, body 159
lichen 159
lime tree see linden tree
limestone 149
linden tree 97, 99, 103, 114, 226, 228
lion, African 49, 210, 237
lion, American 38, 236
lion, European 40, 96
lion, marsupial 6, 137, 166
lizard, fence 172
llama 47, 134–5, 155, 236, 239
llama, large-headed 38, 236, 239
lobelia 74
lobster-claw (Heliconia) 56, 58
Locarno 97, 103
locust tree 216
sp; Lonicera fly 192, 239
Lonicera korolkowii 192
Lonicera morrowii 192
Lonicera tatarica 192
loquat 98
Los Angeles 38
lousewort 142–6
Luján 38
lupin 166, 168, 179, 248
lynx, Eurasian 49
macaw, scarlet 55, 58
Madagascar 4, 38–9, 91, 121
Madrid 93
Maes, Dirk 67
magnolia 102
magnolia, bull bay 98
maize 45, 58, 228
malaria, avian 108, 110, 130, 132
Malta 35
mammoth 35–8
mammoth, Columbian 36, 38, 152
mammoth, dwarf 36, 152
mammoth, woolly 36, 78–9, 82, 23739
mamphant 238
Maori 39, 111, 188–9
maple 216
marjoram 90
marmoset, buffy tufted-ear 61
Maros 217
marsupial 6, 38, 42, 137
Martin, Civilla 13
Martin, Steve 63
Martin, Tony 123
Mass extinction 40–41, 195, 211
mastodon, American 35–40, 236
Maungawhau 111
Mayan temple 214
mealworms 17
medicine 48, 228
Mediterranean 21, 23, 35–6, 97, 106, 139, 159, 236–7
Mediterranean climate 172
megafauna 31–53, 47, 96
megafaunal extinction 31–41
methanogen 229
Mexico 6, 23, 36, 58, 68, 136, 220–21
Mgbegati 65
Michigan 18–19
Middle East 59, 96, 187
midge 81
Midwest USA, 69
milk 157
milkweed 221, 224
Millar, Connie 223
millet, broomcorn 59
mink 50, 168
Minnesota 49
Misilmeri 181
Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women 148
Mississippi 101
Missoula 113
mistletoe 157
mites, dust 212
mitochondria 187, 189
mizuna 155
moa 38, 125, 138
mockingbird 161–4
mock-orange, Japanese 98
mole 3
mole-rat, giant 74–6
monarch butterfly 220, 222, 224
Monarch Grove Sanctuary 220, 224
mongoose 249
monkey 134
monkey, golden-lion tamarin 61
monkey-flower 185, 246
Montana 113
Monterey 220–21, 224, 240
Monterey Bay 228
Montesinos, Daniel 172–4
Monteverde 93
Moore River 128
Moorea 171
moorhen 120
moose 216
moraine 81, 180
Morocco 224
mosasaur 43
mosquito 108, 110, 132, 159
moth, burnet 54
moth, linden 13
moth, peppered 159
moths on Mount Kinabalu 77, 91, 93, 212
Mount Eden 111
Mount Etna 181, 229
Mount Kinabalu 77, 91, 93, 212
Mountains, Rocky 220
mouse 248–9
mouse, Australian 137
mouse, big-eared hopping 127
mouse, house 4, 35, 98, 121, 124, 130, 159, 229, 241
mouse, New World 166
Mundemba, Chief Adolf of 65
Murchison Mountains 119
muriqui monkey, Northern 61
muskrat 50, 168
mustard, field 155